Have Fun While Brushing!

Did you know that you’re supposed to brush your teeth for at least two minutes—that’s right, EVERY time! Try using the timer on your phone so you can get used to what two minutes feels like. Or you can try brushing your teeth during a commercial break while you’re watching TV; the average commercial break these days is close to three minutes so that gives you enough time to make it to the bathroom, brusha-brusha-brusha and get


back just as your show is starting up again

Two minutes at least two times a day is a great habit to get into. Here’s an extra health tip: Try doing squats while you’re brushing your teeth, you’ll be a multitasking health warrior.

Proper brushing is gentle. No need to attack your teeth and gums with that brush. Go in with the brush at a 45° angle to your gums, use short strokes.

Pay extra attention to your gum line and your hard to reach back teeth. Make sure you are brushing each section thoroughly. You want to brush the outside, inside and chewing surface of every single tooth. For extra fresh breath you should brush your tongue as well.

Remember that brushing is only half the battle. Flossing every day is key to keeping your teeth feeling and looking healthy. It helps remove plaque and food particles from in between the teeth and under the gum line. When flossing, be sure to get the floss in between every tooth. Here’s another extra health tip: Your diet affects your tooth health as well. A well balanced diet keeps your teeth healthy.

Brushing and flossing properly keeps your teeth healthy but dental cleanings and oral exams will always be necessary as well, so having an affordable dental plan is important. Be sure to choose   Ameriplan Dental Plan today to keep your pearly whites in perfect condition.

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