How to Reduce Your Hospital Bill With AmeriPlan.


One in five Americans is struggling to pay their medical bills. Medical bills are the leading reason why people need to file for bankruptcy, a last resort for those who have emptied their savings and retirement accounts, maxed out their credit cards and taken any equity out of their homes by refinancing.

Unfortunately, medical debt can happen so quickly, especially if you don’t have health insurance coverage. An accident or serious medical diagnosis can change everything, and you find yourself drowning in medical bills.

When you are insured, your insurance company has negotiated on prices with your healthcare providers, which is why you’ll find an “adjustments” column on your bills. Patients can also ask for and receive discounted rates, and here is how:

Search online and find lower-priced healthcare providers in your area. Some hospitals can charge very different rates, even if they are located only 20 minutes away. It may be worth your time to switch providers.

Scour your bill and look for billing errors. Don’t get stuck paying for services or medicines you didn’t receive. Ask for an itemized list of charges and review them thoroughly.

Offer cash. Many medical and dental offices will negotiate a lower payment if you offer to pay cash up front.
Sign up for AmeriPlan hospital advocate Program.

AmeriPlan discount health plans aren’t a form of health insurance, but instead AmeriPlan provides a low-cost alternative with substantial savings on your dental and healthcare bills.

For only $39.95 per month, your entire family will receive substantial discounts on all common medical procedures, including cosmetic surgery and specialist appointments.


If you need to be hospitalized, and your bill is expected to be more than $2,500,  AmeriPlan will assign you a hospital advocate to negotiate the best prices for all your hospital services. There is only a three-day waiting period from the day you sign up for the AmeriPlan Deluxe plus membership to use the AmeriPlan hospital advocacy program.


To find out more on how you can save money on your medical bills.

Visit our AmeriPlan website

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