Ameriplan Members Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ameriplan Members Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)   Who is AmeriPlan?  AmeriPlan is a Discount Medical Plan Organization (DMPO) since 1992. We arrange for our members to have access to medical, dental, vision, chiropractic and pharmaceutical providers who have agreed to offer their services at negotiated discounts off their usual and customary fees.   How do…

How to Reduce Your Hospital Bill With AmeriPlan.

Ameriplan One in five Americans is struggling to pay their medical bills. Medical bills are the leading reason why people need to file for bankruptcy, a last resort for those who have emptied their savings and retirement accounts, maxed out their credit cards and taken any equity out of their homes by refinancing. Unfortunately, medical…

An important component of Ameriplan Deluxe Plus plan is Ancillary Services.

An important component of  Ameriplan Deluxe Plus plan is Ancillary Services. Ameriplan Ancillary care includes those services that support the work of primary health care providers such as family doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and specialists such as cardiologists, surgeons, dermatologists and so on. Ancillary care can be broken down into 3 categories. They are…

AmeriPlan Promo Video Clips, Saving our Ameriplan customers millions.

Wanted to share some free information that could save your family hundreds to thousands of dollars yearly  in dental and healthcare costs. Good Morning America News Segment‬ George Stephanopoulos Speaks About The AmeriPlan Savings! AmeriPlan USA Deluxe Plus Telemedicine Hospital Advocacy Prescription Drugs Ancillary Care AmeriPlan USA Dental Plus Dental Care Prescription Drugs Vision Care…

AmeriPlan Healthcare Savings! All for $39.95 mo

AmeriPlan Healthcare Savings Advocacy – Hospital Advocacy Plus Bill Negotiator Your total cumulative medical costs per incident must be at least $1,500. A dedicated Patient Advocate works directly with your healthcare providers (doctor’s office, hospital, etc.) to help reduce the out-of-pocket portion of your medical bills. Prior medical bills can be negotiated. There is a…