Family Dental Trivia
It’s probably obvious, but just in case it isn’t, let me tell you—here at Family Dental, we love teeth! Actually, we really love everything that has to do with oral hygiene. So when it comes to offering you Cheap dental plans from our awesome Ameriplan dental providers, it barely even seems like a job to us. And since we love teeth so much, we decided to compile a list of some of our favorite little tidbits of teeth trivia:
- Dental hygiene is not a modern concept. Egyptians used a form of toothpaste over 5,000 years ago.
- Even Crocodiles get their teeth cleaned. The Crocodile Bird flies into a crocodiles open
mouth and cleans its teeth.
- I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “long in the tooth” used to refer to something as old. Well, did you know that the term was originally used to describe horses? As horses age their gums recede, giving the impression that their teeth are growing.
- Ever seen a new born with teeth? One in every 2,000 babies is born with a tooth.
- A squirrel’s teeth grow continuously. Their incisors can grow up to six inches per year, but they always stay about the same size due to the constant wear they receive.
- Flossing started decades ago. The first commercial dental floss was made in the year of 1882.
- People have always found a way to make dental hygiene a priority. Before toothbrushes were invented, people used their fingers, twigs and roots to clean their teeth.
- Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body. Healthy tooth enamel protects your teeth from cavity-causing oral bacteria.
- Sharks teeth are scary and fascinating all at the same time. Sharks have unlimited sets of teeth
! The may grow up to 20,000 teeth in a lifetime.
- And now for our favorite fun fact! A regular dental cleanings can help prevent heart attacks.
- Our teeth are precious and just about every creature on earth knows that on some level. So be sure to check out our Discount Dental Plans and keep your teeth, and heart, in tip-top condition!