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5 Common Causes of Gum Disease

  While it is somewhat unusual for most people to ignore problems with their teeth, many people tend to ignore problems with their gums. However, this is a mistake. Gum maintenance should be part of a good oral hygiene plan. It makes no sense to ignore bleeding or swollen gums any more than it does…

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5 Holiday Dental Care Tips

Everyone knows that one of the things that define the holiday season is sweet treats and scrumptious meals shared with family and friends. And while most of us would prefer not think about the consequences of indulging in these kinds of treats during this season, there are penalties for eating all those holiday delicacies. Some…

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Top Advances in Dental Technology

The field of dentistry has advanced by leaps and bounds since its humble beginnings centuries ago. During the Middle Ages, for example, the treatments and tools used by “dentists” subjected patients to procedures that were not much different than the torture practices of the times. Today, there is a large variety of techniques and tools…

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Dentophobia: Tips for Conquering your Fear of Dentists

Of all the fears that people have in life the fear of going to the dentist is probably among the most common. It is also among the most important fears that must at some point be conquered. The good news is that every dentist recognizes the apprehension and outright fear that many people have when…

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The Benefits and Applications of Laser Dentistry

A detailed list of the industrial and commercial uses for lasers today would fill volumes. Lasers are used in applications as varied as barcode readers, guidance systems, printers, holography, welding and of course medicine. However, one of the most promising applications for lasers is in the field of dentistry. Many dental organizations are recognizing the…

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Dental Implants or Dentures: Which is Best for You?

Missing teeth are a pain. They prevent you from either being able to eat or from enjoying the food you can still. They are unsightly as well. Moreover, they can even be painful. People with missing teeth also face the challenge of deciding how best to replace them. The decision people face is whether or…