Fighting Bad Breath

When it comes to personal oral hygiene, many people focus primarily on their teeth. While brushing is a crucial step to keeping a healthy smile, brushing alone will not remove all the harmful bacteria in the


mouth. Improper care for your tongue can result in loss of tastes to your taste buds or even a loss of sensation. Your tongue is important for talking, chewing, and eating, so we have provided a couple tips to keep your tongue and the rest of your mouth clean.

Banish Bad Breath:

For many, brushing and using mouthwash is the cure for poor oral hygiene, but this is only partially cleaning your mouth. Even after you rise with minty-fresh mouthwash, there can still be microscopic bacteria and food particles left behind on your tongue and in your mouth. Keep in mind that you can get tongue related health problems, like wounds or open sores, making eating or other daily activities painful. So always make sure to thoroughly clean your tongue during your oral care routine.

Cleaning With a Tongue Scraper:

In addition to brushing and using mouthwash, adding a tongue scraper to your oral care regiment will help eliminate unwanted bacteria left after brushing. When using a tongue scraper start at the back of your mouth and gently pull towards the front, but try not to pull too hard to prevent gagging. Proper technique will help remove the whitish/yellowish colored coating the tongue where harmful bacteria and food particles can reside. You can continue scraping until all the white coating is removed.

Make sure to start including tongue care into your daily oral cleaning regiment to prevent bad breath as well as improve overall oral health. If you struggle with constant bad breath, you may also want to clean the interior of your mouth as well as the roof of your mouth to remove the additional bacteria and food particles that could be hidden in your mouth. So in the future, remember that proper tongue care can help fight bad breath as well as help resolve other oral problems.

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