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The Benefits and Applications of Laser Dentistry

A detailed list of the industrial and commercial uses for lasers today would fill volumes. Lasers are used in applications as varied as barcode readers, guidance systems, printers, holography, welding and of course medicine. However, one of the most promising applications for lasers is in the field of dentistry. Many dental organizations are recognizing the advantages of lasers and many dentists are now using lasers in their practice. Patients too, despite some popular misconceptions about the effectiveness of dental lasers, are now showing a clear preference for this kind of dentistry in any number of dental procedures. At Family Dental Health, we believe in staying abreast of the latest dental technologies which includes the use of CO2 laser for any number of procedures. Some of the benefits of laser dentistry include:

  • Lasers often reduce trauma to teeth: Because lasers are more precise than high speed drills, they are less prone to cause hairline cracks and fractures in the teeth. This kind of damage can often lead to future dental problems.
  • Less bleeding and swelling: Because lasers can be used more conservatively and more accurately than traditional surgical instruments, they produce little swelling or bleeding.
  • Lasers reduce the pain of drilling: Few things are more terrifying to dental patients than the drill and the pain that it can produce. Laser dentistry eliminates the need for drilling thus eliminating the psychological trauma that it can cause. Moreover, some laser treatments do not require anesthesia.
  • Appointments are shorter: We know that no one enjoys sitting in the dentist chair for hours while the dentist does his/her work. Our CO2 lasers often shorten the amount of time patients spend with us per session.


Lasers can be used in a number of dental procedures including but not limited to:

  • Viewing Tooth and Gum Tissues
  • Benign Tumor removal
  • Cold sore treatment
  • Nerve Regeneration
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Temporomandibular Joint Treatment

In short, we feel it is our obligation to educate patients on how lasers can benefit them. They are safe, effective and can be used in a variety of dental and periodontal procedures. Moreover, lasers have been used in dentistry since the 1960s. For this reason dental lasers are also affordable. Check out Ameriplan and find cheap dental insurance on our site that will help you gain access to this highly effective dental technology.

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