The Importance of a Healthy Smile for Today’s Seniors.

Decades ago, it was naturally assumed that as we grow older, we would lose our teeth by the time we became senior citizens.
But this is no longer the case for today’s active, healthy seniors, who are retaining their natural, healthy smiles longer than ever before. A healthy smile makes you feel more confident and can protect your general health, as well. Research has found that many chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and stroke, can be linked to mouth infections in senior citizens.
By visiting your dentist regularly, eating healthy foods and brushing and flossing daily, you are protecting your teeth, as well as your general health. As a senior, there are some special oral health concerns you should be aware of.
images11As we grow older, we’re more prone to increased cavities, which can be caused by dry mouth. Dry mouth is often caused by taking medications. Discuss with your dentist recommendations on how to relieve dry mouth. Some suggestions may include drinking more water, using a humidifier and avoiding certain drinks that may contribute to dry mouth, including coffee, alcohol, soda and fruit juices.
As a senior, you may be more prone to developing periodontal disease, which can make your gums red, swollen and more likely to bleed. This condition is often painless until it is in an advanced stage, which can lead to tooth loss.
Regular dental visits can help diagnose early signs of periodontal disease, as well as any signs of oral cancer. If you are enrolled in Medicare but can’t afford a supplemental dental policy that would cover your dental visits, AmeriPlan may be able to help. AmeriPlan discount dental plans are a low-cost dental care option for people without dental insurance.
While AmeriPlan discount dental and health plans are not a form of insurance, they do provide substantial discounts that allow everyone access to low-cost dental care. There are no waiting periods to sign up nor any insurance paperwork to fill out. AmeriPlan has no upper age limits, and the discount dental plans may be used as often as needed with no maximum caps.
Root Canal TreatmentDon’t let the cost of dental care keep you from taking care of your teeth, especially if you’re age 60 or older. Low-cost dental care options are available. Visit the AmeriPlan website here to learn more.

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