The Five Mistakes Parents Make With Their Children’s Teeth

While most parents realize that brushing regularly, eating healthy foods and going to regular dental checkups are the best ways to prevent cavities, many parents aren’t making the grade when it comes to their own children’s teeth. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cavities are found in the baby teeth of 42…

Vitamins and Minerals to Support Healthy Teeth

We all know the mantra of every family dentist – brush regularly between meals and floss regularly. However, this advice does not tell the entire story or completely address the complexity of maintaining healthy teeth. Keeping your teeth healthy depends not just on following your dentist advice about how to clean them after eating, it…

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5 Common Causes of Gum Disease

  While it is somewhat unusual for most people to ignore problems with their teeth, many people tend to ignore problems with their gums. However, this is a mistake. Gum maintenance should be part of a good oral hygiene plan. It makes no sense to ignore bleeding or swollen gums any more than it does…