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Top Advances in Dental Technology

The field of dentistry has advanced by leaps and bounds since its humble beginnings centuries ago. During the Middle Ages, for example, the treatments and tools used by “dentists” subjected patients to procedures that were not much different than the torture practices of the times. Today, there is a large variety of techniques and tools…

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The Benefits and Applications of Laser Dentistry

A detailed list of the industrial and commercial uses for lasers today would fill volumes. Lasers are used in applications as varied as barcode readers, guidance systems, printers, holography, welding and of course medicine. However, one of the most promising applications for lasers is in the field of dentistry. Many dental organizations are recognizing the…

Bruxism in Children: Why it Happens and How to Stop it

According to The Journal of Dentistry for Children, about 38% of toddlers grind or clench their teeth at night. Although this fact is alarming to some, it does not surprise many parents who’ve heard strange, grinding noises coming from their toddler’s bedroom at night. This habit is known as bruxism, or teeth grinding, and although…

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DENTAL TIP!! How does tooth decay cause pain?

Decay destroys teeth by dissolving the tooth structure. When only the enamel layer is affected it is quite painless, as the enamel has no nerve supply. However, when decay spreads to the sensitive underlying dentine, the nerves register pain in response to hot, cold and sweet food and drinks. As the decay penetrates deeper into…