Anyone Can See the Dentist Now: AmeriPlan Consumer Driven Discount Dental Plans.

How long has it been since you’ve been to a dentist? If you aren’t going at least once a year (as is recommended), why aren’t you? You may be surprised to learn that more people avoid the dentist for fear of the bill they’ll get after going to a dentist than fear the dental work…

Dental Insurance & DMO’S vs AmeriPlan Discount Dental Plans

Discount dental plans are an affordable and easy-to-use alternative to dental insurance, and offer AmeriPlan members significant savings on most dental procedures. AmeriPlan Dental, has quickly become an attractive alternative to costly dental insurance. Traditional dental insurance, once the only dental benefit option available, features many drawbacks including costly deductibles, tedious claim forms, long waiting…

Fighting Tooth Sensitivity during Winter.

When you’re suffering from sensitive teeth, the cold winter air can make your teeth particularly painful. Before you lock yourself indoors until spring, here are some tips to help you battle against tooth sensitivities: Make a dental appointment. While some tooth sensitivities may be temporary, it’s best to see your dentist if you’re feeling any…

Ameriplan Deluxe Plus HIGHLIGHTS

Tele-Medicine Around the clock 24/7 Physician Access. Convenient Quality care is only a click or call away. Nationwide Alternative to in-office Doctor visits. Includes Diagnostic consultations…. you can call or email one of our Doctors 24/7 for Diagnosis and a prescription for only $25 a call… Individual Medical consultations are UNLIMITED. (by telephone or email…

How to find affordable dental care for the entire family.

 If it’s been awhile since you and your family has seen a dentist, maybe it’s time to make that appointment. But understandably, if you don’t have dental insurance, you may be putting off that important call to make those dental appointments. Here are some tips on finding low-cost dental care for your family: Dental schools…